Christmas cards for One80Place

One80Place, the homeless shelter downtown, would love to have 75 Christmas cards for their current residents. Do you have time to make a few?

If a homemade card isn’t your thing or you don’t have time to create them right now, a store bought Christmas card with an encouraging note is appreciated.

You have a few options for getting them to the shelter. If you choose to mail them or drop them off at the shelter, would you send me a quick note to let me know so we have a rough idea of how many cards they are receiving that way?

Or if you can get them to me by December 9th, my neighbor offered to hand deliver them downtown. (I live near Town Centre).

Thank you to everyone who continues to help out by making cards on your own. For anyone who wants to get together as a group, you may want to book a meeting room at the public library.